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Frankfort Girls Softball

Frankfort Girls Softball


This is where it all starts… Tball is awesome. For many of the players, it is the first time they have ever put on a mitt, so you have fresh minds. We hope our young players leave the season with new friends, new skills, and excitement for the game!

Teamwork, throwing, catching, baserunning, hitting, ans safety are some of the key elements your first-time player will learn from their Coach. That, and the precise start of “Snack Time.”

A tee is used for hitting for most of the season. Your coach may choose to begin pitching to his players towards the end of the season. Of course, some players may use the tee all season long, and that’s okay!

New in 2023, those who turn 4 by April 1 will be eligible to play with their friends who are 5 or 6 by December 31.  In fairness to your player and all FGS players, any exceptions must be presented and agreed upon by the FGS Board on a case by case basis. 

Teams are picked randomly by the Commissioner. We will attempt to honor any special requests to play with friends or family. Any requests should occur during early bird or regular registration periods, and before team assignments are published.

A smaller (10 inch “Softie”) softball is used to prevent injuries. Bases are 45 feet in length.

To keep the emphasis on the instructional aspect of TBall, there are no outs, scoring or standings kept. Both teams bat all players for 3-4 innings depending on time and daylight.

For more detailed information on the Official Rules of Tball, please refer to the “Rules” button at the top of the home page.


For the most part, the tees are put away for game time and used primarily to practice those big swings they'll need to hit their Coaches pitching.

While most players come up from the TBall league, there still may be some first time players. This is still primarily an instructional league!

Throwing, teamwork, catching, safety, base running, and hitting pitched balls are some of the key elements your Rookies player will learn from their coach. Parents and coaches will be amazed when they witness their first caught fly ball, "put out" at first, or line shot to the outfield.

Rookies players are ages 7 and 8 as of December 31 of the year prior to the season. In fairness to your player and all FGS players, any exceptions must be presented and agreed upon by the FGS Board on a case by case basis. 

Since there is no draft at this level, teams are picked randomly by the Commissioner. We will attempt to honor any special requests to play with friends or family. Any requests should occur during early bird or regular registration periods, and before team assignments are published.

A smaller (11 inch “Softie”) softball is used to prevent injuries. Bases are 50 feet in length.

To keep the emphasis on the instructional aspect of the Rookies League, there are no strikeouts, and scoring or standings are not kept. Both teams bat all players for 4-5 innings depending on time and daylight.

For more detailed information on the Official Rules of Rookies, please refer to the “Rules” button at the top of the home page.


This is the closest thing to the real game most of these players have seen.

While this is still considered an instructional level league, this is the first FGS league where outs, scores and standings are kept.

Juniors players provide all of the pitching and this is the first level where Umpires are used to call balls and strikes. A lot of learning and skill development occur at this age. The girls flourish at this age!

While most players come up from the Rookies league, first time players are welcome. This is still primarily an instructional league!

While all the basic softball elements are taught, coaches will begin stressing the "on field" strategies of recognizing balls from strikes, force outs, pitching techniques and physical fitness.

Teams are selected by a draft.

There is a playoff tournament at the end of the year and playoff seeding is determined by regular season standings.

Players pitch to the opposing team from 35 feet, and games are 6 innings depending on daylight. A standard 11" softball is used and bases are 60 feet in length.

Juniors players are ages 9 and 10 as of December 31 of the year prior to the season.

For more detailed information on the Official Rules of Juniors, please refer to the “Rules” button at the top of the home page.


This is it. This is softball. 

Players start specializing in positions. Outs, scores and standings are kept.

Pitching distance increases to 40 feet.  A lot of learning and skill development still occur at this age. Competition is tougher and the pace of play is faster.

Most players in this division have come up through the lower divisions. This is still primarily an instructional league!

Basic softball skills are refined and more advanced techniques and tactics are learned., Coaches continue to stress the "on field" strategies of recognizing balls from strikes, force outs, pitching techniques and physical fitness. Throw downs, stealing and tactical decisions are taught along with developing more advanced skills such as sliding, bunting and slap hitting being introduced. 

Teams are selected by a draft.

There is a playoff tournament at the end of the year and playoff seeding is determined by regular season standings.

Players pitch to the opposing team from 40 feet, and games are 6 innings depending on daylight. A standard 12" softball is used and bases are 60 feet in length.

12U players are ages 11 and 12 as of December 31 of the year prior to the season.

For more detailed information on the Official Rules of Juniors, please refer to the “Rules” button at the top of the home page.


It's game time! This is our senior division and is for girls ages 13 through 15

Players typically have specific positions they've developed into playing. Outs, scores and standings are kept.

Pitching distance increases to 43 feet. This is the pitching distance for high school and college teams. Competition is usually highest at this level.

Most players in this division have come up through the lower divisions. If a player plays for a high school team they are not eligible to participate in this division per IHSAA rules. 

This is a great opportunity for girls who still wish to play softball but are not pursuing playing in high school. They can still experience the camaraderie, teamwork and excitement of the game. 

Teams are selected by a draft.

There is a playoff tournament at the end of the year and playoff seeding is determined by regular season standings.

Players pitch to the opposing team from 43 feet, and games are 7 innings depending on daylight. A standard 12" softball is used and bases are 60 feet in length.

15U players are ages 13 through 15 as of December 31 of the year prior to the season.

For more detailed information on the Official Rules of Juniors, please refer to the “Rules” button at the top of the home page.



Frankfort Girls Softball
P.O. Box 348 
Frankfort, Illinois 60423

Email: [email protected]

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